Evergreen POA Board of Directors Meeting – 6:00 PM on September 27, 2021

The Evergreen POA Board of Directors will be meeting on Monday, September 27, 2021, at 6:00 PM via a Zoom conference, and all owners are invited to attend.  To view the agenda, click HERE.

To join the Zoom conference, click HERE.  To dial into the conference, call 929-205-6099, and use the following:  Meeting ID: 824 5909 8497; Passcode: 619516.

The Board would like to hold face-to-face meetings, however, COVID cases are experiencing a resurgence in our area, the Board decided it would be safer for all to continue meeting via Zoom for the near-term future.  Everyone’s support is appreciated, and the meeting agenda will be published during the week of September 20th.

Evergreen POA Board of Directors Meeting – 6:00 PM on August 23, 2021

The Evergreen POA Board of Directors will be meeting on Monday, August 23, 2021, at 6:00 PM via a Zoom conference, and all owners are invited to attend.

Please click HERE to view the meeting agenda.  To join the Zoom conference, click HERE.  To dial into the conference, call 929-205-6099, and use the following:  Meeting ID: 846 6402 8788; Passcode: 397113.



Sue and Jim Hinsdale

Sue and Jim Hinsdale passed away suddenly on June 24, 2021.  There will be no services as they did not like the rite of funerals.

Close friends suggest that their lives be celebrated rather than their passing be mourned.

Notice of Reconvened Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting – 5/24/21 at 6 PM

The Evergreen Annual Meeting of March 18, 2021, will be reconvened on Monday, May 24, 2021. The counting of the proxies for the 80/20 proposed amendment change will be tabulated and announced to the membership.
The meeting will be conducted via conference call and will be called to order at 6:00 PM. To attend the meeting, dial 1-602-580-9798.  When prompted, the passcode is 1480034#.

The May Board of Directors Meeting will be held immediately following the conclusion of the reconvened Annual Meeting.  To view a copy of the agenda, please click HERE.

Children Driving Golf Carts in Evergreen

The Evergreen POA Board of Directors has had a number of recent complaints about young children driving golf carts in the community without adult supervision.  Some of the driving behaviors noted have been reckless and dangerous to both the occupants of the golf cart and to residents.  Yesterday, an accident involving an underage driver was reported to a Board member, who contacted the parents of the driver.  Thankfully, none of the children involved was injured.


Incidents of young children driving golf carts have been observed on both the community roads and on private property (swales between the homes).  No golf carts, regardless of the age of the driver, should be driving on other residents’ private property at any time.  Please click HERE to view the community Rules and Regulations and take note of #10 under Use Restrictions, which states that drivers of golf carts within the Evergreen community must be 16 years of age.


The Board requests parents who own golf carts to have a discussion with their children to ensure they are aware that 16 is the minimum age to operate a golf cart in Evergreen. Children need to understand that a tragic accident could happen as a result of the behaviors that have been recently observed.  Please stay vigilant and keep our community safe for everyone.


Thank you.
