IMPORTANT – 2021 Annual Meeting Proxies


By now you should have two proxies to complete for the 2021 annual meeting. One proxy is for the vote to approve the 2021-2022 budget and the election of three Directors.  Please note that the 2021 annual meeting will be VIRTUAL ONLY via teleconference, so you must submit your proxies prior to the meeting.

The second proxy you should have received is the Limited Proxy vote for the proposed 80/20 change. You may have received an 80/20 proxy marked “Draft” and you may use that, or the proxy form that was delivered with the Community Directory.  You can also print the 80/20 proxy by clicking here and then selecting “print” in the upper right corner of the screen.

Please remember to complete your proxies and drop them off at the security gate before March 18. Thank you very much!

Evergreen POA Board of Directors 2021 Candidate Night

The Evergreen Nominating Committee will host a Candidate’s Night on Monday, February 15, 2021, at 6:00 PM via conference call: phone 602-580-9798; access code 1480034#.  The call will give everyone a chance to meet the candidates and answer any questions that you may have.

There are four candidates for this year’s election at the Annual Meeting – click each candidate’s name for a brief biography.

We hope that you can join us on Monday!

Update on the CWC Staging Area (old tennis courts)

A number of residents have expressed concern about the dirt and debris being stored in the area of the old tennis courts.  David Regan, POA Board President, met with the club to find out more about their plans for cleaning up this area.

The staging area is being utilized for the purpose of storing material from the renovation of the golf course. Once the renovation of holes 1,5,6, & 9 is complete, much of the stored material will be reintroduced back onto the golf course.  One of the first projects will be the construction of a bank to capture golf balls at the back of the driving range which would normally end up in the water.

The rest of the material will be used to create mounds on certain holes which should enhance the individual holes from an aesthetic and architectural perspective. The CWC golf course architect is offering guidance on where to place the mounds.  CWC has also purchased a chipper and it will be put into use shortly.

CWC has advised us that additional course renovation projects will be started around May 2021 and that the old tennis courts will again be utilized as a staging area with the intent of redistributing the material back onto the course.

It’s great that CWC is investing in the course and your patience during the renovation projects is most appreciated.

Proposed Evergreen 80/20 Rule Change


The 80/20 Rule Change Committee has been hard at work and would like to share two documents with the community.  The first, a brochure outlining the rationale for the change plus examples, can be found here.  The second document is Questions and Answers about the proposed change and can be found here.

Please review the documents and reach out to a Committee member if you have questions – the Committee’s email addresses are listed on the first page of the brochure.  It’s critical that every homeowner reviews the proposed rule change and VOTES!

A big thanks to the 80/20 Rule Change Committee for all your work!

Caution! Wildlife in Evergreen

Neighbors, there have been a number of wildlife sightings recently including coyotes, bobcats, venomous snakes, and more.  Due to all of the building activity, more and more animals are being displaced from their homes and are wandering into our neighborhood.

There have been a couple of instances where pets in our community have been killed – PLEASE be vigilant with your pets and of course young children.

Holiday Fund for the Security Team at Evergreen

Each year at this time, the owners of Evergreen send a Holiday Gift to our Security Team at Evergreen. This year, as in the past, six (6) security officers are working the front entrance gate to facilitate 24/7 coverage.

The Securitas company has asked once again, that all funds be payable to Evergreen Holiday Fund, and Signature Property Management will distribute six (6) checks to the staff on December 24, 2020.

You are welcome to place your check (no cash please) in an envelope and drop it at the guard station, or if you prefer to mail it to Signature Property Management.

Thank you in advance and Happy Holidays.

The Board of Directors
Evergreen Property Owners Association, Inc.


Evergreen Directory – Advertising Opportunity

In early 2021, the Evergreen Board of Directors will be publishing a neighborhood directory similar to what has been produced in years past.  To offset the cost of printing, the BoD is accepting advertisements from local businesses.  Ad sizes range from business card size to a full page. If you’re interested in placing an ad for your business, please click here to download a form with pricing and instructions on how to make sure your ad is included in the directory.

All advertising requests are due by December 18, 2020, so don’t delay!  Thank you in advance for your support of the directory project.
