Palms and Landscaping Committee Update

You may have noticed that the Palm Trees have been trimmed.  Tree trimming is planned for twice during the year and we anticipate owners and residents will appreciate the upgrade in appearance to the Community as a result.  The Board’s current bidding procedure has resulted in significant cost savings for this action.  In addition, as part of the annual lawn maintenance agreement, low hanging palms are to be trimmed as needed so that auto antennas are not hit.

The Board has agreed to replace the Palm Trees that have either died or been removed.  The replacement date is pending due to the current drought situation. We await the water committee’s findings with the County.

The Palm Fertilization plan is taking place with Coastal Fertilization performing the liquid root fertilization technique to keep our Palms healthy and beautiful.   The landscape committee will be meeting shortly with the return of our committee Chair, Colleen Sarnow, this month to work on other beautification measures.  Some of these measures include upgrades to the guard house, front entrance changes, and flag pole beautification.
