Evergreen/Windstone Water Update

As mentioned in the Board Meeting on February 27th and the letter from Martin County dated February 24th, the Evergreen/Windstone Water Project has officially started. Martin County has started the project on Bimini South. Please make sure the following:
· Please drive with caution throughout the community during the entire length of the project. Pipes and materials will be placed in different locations throughout the community.
· Follow and adhere to directions given by the flagman and construction workers to ensure a safe work environment.
· Please allow extra time to travel through the community.
· Seek alternative routes when necessary.
· Please continue to follow posted speed limits in the community.
· DO NOT remove or disturb any of the flags placed in your yard by the county. They are there to ensure that underground utility assets are not damaged.
· Please let the construction workers do their jobs. If something seems suspicious, please get in touch with the guard house.
The project will take roughly 270 calendar days to complete. If residents have questions, please feel free to contact Dave Duncan, Senior Project Management for Martin County Utilities and Solid Waste Department. You can reach Dave at 772.221.1303 or dduncan@nullmartin.fl.us.
Thank you for your patience and due diligence through this project.
Have a great day!
Evergreen Board of Directors